Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tweeting from JBoss Portal

While most of time we focus on improving enterprise aspects of JBoss Portal (read JBoss Enterprise Portal), sometimes we work on cool and fun stuff too. On that line, I have created Twitter portlet which has following features:
  • Update your status
  • Get messages that are sent directly to you (e.g. @prabhatjha in my case)
  • Get list of folks who you are following and get their latest status. List is sortable.
Here are couple of screen shots:

You can grab the code from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/qa/prabhat/twitter-portlet . It's built using twitter4j, Richfaces, JBoss Portlet Bridge. But remember, it's just for fun and it is not one of the supported portlet.


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Nagendra Reddy said...

Congratulations You made it sir.Thank you for giving permission to access code.
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