Monday, January 7, 2008

JBoss Portal @ JBoss World 2008 - Orlando

First, happy new year ! I hope we will all spend a great 2008.

For a start, we will have three talks about and around JBoss Portal at JBoss World in Orlando on February 13-15th.
If you plan to come you will be able to attend:
  • Introduction to JBoss Portal I will explain what is JBoss Portal (and portal frameworks in general), and the challenges solved by this framework
  • What's New in Portlet 2.0 Julien will present the successor of the JSR-168 spec and the benefits of this new specification.
  • JBoss Portal How-To Guide Last but not least Peter Johnson from Unisys will give a presentation of JBoss Portal. He will explain how to customize JBoss Portal to your specific needs. It sure will be very interested to attend and I definitely plan to listen carefully to that one :)
There are other interesting topics of course, like this case study about EJB3 + JSF + Seam + RichFaces introductions to EJB3, jBPM, Seam... The whole agenda is available here.

Of course if you plan to attend, let us know ( and we can also have informal discussions (along with Julien our beloved project leader) for the benefits of all.

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