Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stop compiling your kernel to reduce global warming

We had a funny discussion tonight with a few folks at a restaurant in JavaPolis tonight and finally somehow we concluded that if you compile your software instead of using binaries (I remember I spent 8 hours compiling Gnome in 1997 on a 133MHZ Pentium...) then you are creating energy that increases the global warming...

Every developer on this planet has to immediatly stop compiling software that already exist under a binary form for the sake of compiling software.


/L said...

Jippie.... i'm so glad I left Gentoo for Mac OS X instead :-) now contibuting to stop the global warming.

But... my Gentoo did run on less powerful hardware... so at the end....

Unknown said...

OMG, so "make world" on FreeBSD does exactly the opposite from what it claims to do? Scary...