Tuesday, June 17, 2008

JBoss Portal on Amazon EC2

With the announcement of availability of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), it was logical for us to verify that JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform can also be deployed on EC2. For those who are not familiar with EC2, EC2 basically provides you a resizable compute capacity and you only pay for the resources (CPU, Memory etc) you use.

Once you have a JBoss EAP image on EC2, deploying JBoss Portal is like a walk in the park. All you have to do is to copy jboss-portal.sar and database descriptor to deploy folder of your server configuration. We successfully ran the complete JBoss Portal testsuite as well as tests that we perform as part of release testing. Only extra configuration that we had to do was to bump up the heap size for ANT otherwise it gave OOM error while generating reports. :-)

Feel free to let us know your experience with JBoss Portal on EC2. Mine was certainly good.

Note: At present, only JBoss EAP image is hosted on EC2. JBoss EAP bundled with JBoss Portal will be available in future.


Sanne said...

nice! I've been using JBoss on EC2 some months now and am really happy with it, the only downside was that I had to install it on my own AMI; I started from RedHat Enteprise's AMI and enabled JBoss Stack subscriptions on it, but was not as practical from a management point of view.
I'm really impressed, it is getting too easy to start an enterprise application in a cluster from home :-)

Sanne said...

Are there any advancements about a supported Portal deployment on EC2?

Thomas Heute said...

As far as I know, you can use the Enterprise Portal Platform on EC2 and get support for it.

.m. said...

we're trying to deploy a Java base application running on Jboss.

We're experiencing really poor performances even with large/xlarge instances, compared to a normal server deployment.

Is there any parameter to tune a Jboss application server on EC2?