Friday, September 12, 2008

JBoss Portal 2.7.0.CR1 is hot and available !

I am really happy to announce the release of JBoss Portal 2.7.0.CR1.

Here is what happened since the Beta1 on top of bug fixes:

We have been able to include in this release the new JBoss Portlet Bridge Beta 4 and an important upgrade of JackRabbit.

Also we have been able to considerably improve on the scalability of JBoss Portal by working on the JBoss Cache//Hibernate integration. Thanks a zillion to Brian, Galder (Who will soon blog about the technical details, we'll give you the link when ready) and Prabhat.
JBoss Portal 2.6.7 will also benefit from this improvement. We plan to blog with Prabhat on our latest results.

We added a GUI to manage the coordination between portlets.

Download is available from here if you are in a hurry, just grab the bundle, unzip it and start bin/ or bin/run.bat then go to http://localhost:8080/portal as usual.

Thanks a lot and please report any issue in the forum, or even better contribute some code, some graphics, some translation, some doc... (By the way, thanks a lot to Matt Cook for his articles on Knol)

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